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Mercy Unveiled is a mission that helps and ministers to the needs of people in the areas of the Jungle that have been unreached thus far by other missionaries. Since 2007, Scott Crawford has been going to Zambia and has visited over 60 remote villages. This mission began through a vision and contacts of his pastor, Dr. Roger R. Woodard, with the ministry of Earthen Vessels. Through this was birthed Mercy Unveiled Ministries, established September, 2019. 


On each visit, we have taken various school supplies so that children who are unable to go to a government school can get an education. And because the teachers for these schools are voluntary, we financially assist as many as we can. We've built a school in one village, and will be building more as finances allow. 


We help in every point of humanitarian need including sanitation. We've built pit latrines in a village that had none. They were so grateful for this designated toilet area because it helps cut down on disease. 


We help with agricultural needs. We provide seed and fertilizer as well as equipment such as hoes or plows. We help assist with digging wells so they may have clean water instead of walking for miles to draw water and carry it back to their village. This past year there was an extreme drought and the water dried up. Some people even died because of lack of clean water. So putting wells in their village is imperative.  


We assist with clothing, especially for orphans and widows, and supply blankets which doubles as their bed. 


We have a goat project where we raise funds to help supply families with goats- which they are absolutely thrilled about - because if a family has a goat, that is a big catalyst to putting their children in school as well as maintaining the family because they can sell the milk. 


We are helping with transportation. Bicycles and motorcycles are valuable vehicles used differently than here in America. They provide taxis and take supplies and medicines to the deepest regions that someone could not ordinarily get to. 


We help provide chickens. We plan to help provide families with cattle but due to the expense, we have not been able to do that yet. It is important to us, however, because many families will have their young sons from the ages of 4-10 herding cows for five years, and all they get as payment is one cow for their family after that five year period. Often times it is a sick cow and dies. So we want to assist there also. 


The most desired thing we give them is the gospel of Jesus Christ. We purchase bibles in their language which they say is more valuable to them then gold. We hold evening and morning services in each village and see hundreds per village come to Christ. Through the Power of Christ, people are healed, demons are cast out, relationships are restored, and lives are changed. We have a team in Zambia that we have been training and discipling over all these years. They voluntarily go to the villages, help address the needs of the people and strengthen the leaders of the village churches with prayer and discipleship in our absence as well as find new villages and arrange the meetings for the upcoming year.  


Over the years, we have put a lot of time in Zambia, but there have been 14 invites throughout the world that includes Pakistan, India, Uganda, Myanmar, and Germany that we have not been able to go to because of finances. They all have the same needs; all beginning with needing Jesus. But, as with Zambia and other places we have gone, we don't just send. We personally go put boots on the ground see the people face to face. We spend time seeing what's going on there, to see if it’s legitimate. It’s not about just going and handing out money or supplies, it’s going and finding the right people, the right connections where you can do the most good and have a lasting value. It’s not going and putting a fish on somebody’s plate. it’s teaching them how to fish to maintain a way of life after we're gone.


In every area of the world we have gone to people are hurting. They just want their basic needs of life to be met for their families. They are looking for clean water and hoping to get a blanket to make a bed. They want everything for their children that we want for ours: to be healthy, happy, grow up strong, and do well in life. So we want to point them in the right direction, the direction of Jesus Christ, that they will not stay under the same blanket of darkness that they’ve been under, but show them a different way where they can come out and rise above. 


We’ve met so many talented people on our trips to Africa. There are some great minds there that have never had an opportunity to experience a schoolbook or even learn. They could be the next one to build the next piece of technology to change the world. Without opportunities and without help and assistance of just the basic things that we take for granted every day, their quality of life can never improve. So we're going across the world with this, adding to the efforts of the many others striving to make a change.

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